The researchers measured the amount of time the rats spent in each half of the chamber and claim that because the two groups of mice spent equal amount of time in the Oreo and in the cocaine area, these two stimuli are equally rewarding, or addicting. 研究人员测量了小白鼠在笼子两边所用时间,并宣称两组老鼠在有奥利奥和可卡因的一边多用时间相同,所以这两种刺激能引起大脑相同的反应或令人上瘾。
But enforcing contracts remains difficult; legal fees amount to roughly half of the average claim. 但合同的执行仍很困难;法律诉讼费约占平均索赔金额的一半。
The scheme also covers claims under the Employees 'Compensation Ordinance irrespective of the amount of the claim. 法律援助辅助计划亦包括根据《雇员补偿条例》提出的补偿申索,但索偿额多寡并无规定。
If boot is paid, the amount of the long-term equity investment includes the book value of the claim, plus the boot and taxes payable. 支付补价的,按应收债权的账面价值加上支付的补价和应支付的相关税费,作为初始投资成本;
This summary procedure shall also apply to cases where the amount of the claim totals more than RMB1000000 yuan provided that the parties agree or one party applies for and the other party agrees to it in writing. 争议金额超过人民币100万元的案件,双方当事人同意的,或者经一方当事人书面申请并征得另一方当事人书面同意的,亦适用本简易程序。
Yes, in Europe they charge a commission of one percent of the amount of the claim for their collecting services. 收取费用。在欧洲他们按索赔的1%收取佣金。
Please make sure not to include the amount of government rent in the claim for deduction of rates so as to avoid an incorrect claim. 请确保在申请扣除差饷时,没有包括地租,以免填报不确。
What is the role of excess? Excess, also called deductible, is to the first amount of the claim which the insured person has to bear. 多余的角色是什么?多余的,也被称为可抵扣,是第一个数量的索赔,保险人必须忍受。
If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract, and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract, the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim. 清算组决定解除合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。
Furthermore, the renewal equation and asymptotic formula of the distribution of the amount of the claim causing ruin are obtained. 此外,还得到了导致破产的索赔额的分布满足的瑕疵更新方程和渐近解。
Up to now, the optimal BMS in the international actuarial literature only consider the frequency of the claims in a year and ignore the amount of the claim, which means the punishment for small and large claims are treated equally. 直到目前,国际精算文献中研究的最优BMS,只考虑投保人上一年的索赔次数,没有考虑索赔额的大小,也即对于小额损失和大额损失的惩罚是一样的。